The pain my friend, is fermented Love,
That you are holding like a caged dove.
Release the dove into cosmic sea...
Go, touche the lives...and set them free
Then sweet Heavens will open the Door..
And you like eagle, will begin to soar...
Above the darkness, into the deep core...
Your heart will melt and sing like never before... And you have the Power to Awaken each soul!
You are the Master send from Hight above...
The quiet voice inside of your soul,
Whispering gently about pure Love...
Shower yourself with a velvet silence
So you can touch Eternal Vibrance...
Then your heart will melt into endless Joy...
Giving You wings, to fly High above...
Oh...Mystic dancer of the endless Love...
Open your light.. like never before...
Burn the vail of illusions until it is really sore... Wake up my darling what are you waiting for?